Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stupid is home for the winter

Wintertime is upon us once again, which means the return of traditional winter activities like sledding, ice skating, and hypothermia. And global warming denial.

Wintertime is the special time of the year when right-wing dumbasses look around them at the falling snow and say, "Well, lookee here! It's cold! I guess that means there ain't no global warmin' goin' on after all! Hyuck, hyuck, hyuck!"

And right on time, here's right-wing dumbass John "Assrocket" Hinderaker to tell us, "Well, lookee here! It's cold! I guess that means there ain't no global warmin' goin' on after all! Hyuck, hyuck, hyuck!"

(Hat tip to Sadly, No!)

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