Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New look

I like to post the occasional music video from YouTube, following in the footsteps of such notable bloggers as Atrios and TBogg. Unfortunately, them new-fangled widescreen videos kept getting cut off. The problem, apparently, was my ancient, decrepit blog template, which just wasn't up to the task of showing the entire video in its itty-bitty window.

It was a conflict between inertia and esthetics, and esthetics has finally won. I've changed my blog to this new template, and though it's not as severe in appearance as the old one, rest assured that the Johnny Pez blog will continue its mission to claw its way up the Technorati authority rankings until it stands supreme in the blogosphere.

BTW, if you think the blue motif is too . . . blue, it's also available in orange.

1 comment:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Whew, I thought maybe you'd posted a new picture of the lovely Kleopatra Selene.

BTW, if you think the blue motif is too . . . blue, it's also available in orange.

No matter what you do, somebody will be accusing you of cribbing from Little Blue Satan or Great Orange Satan- not that there's anything wrong with that.